Friday, 24 October 2008

Please. Stop. Singing.

Good evening

So this week. I made the ultimate sacrifice for my friends: I watched High School Musical 3. The shame.

My verdict. Ummm... I can see why it is so insanely popular (The cinema was full. FULL! Not even The Dark Knight was ever full when i went!) becuase it is undeniably very fun. It's a happy movie about happy American teens at a happy school, made for happy people. It's not MY kind of movie. It was probably the cheesiest film i have ever seen. I wanted to claw my eyes out it was so soppy and sentimental. The narrative was painfully predictable and completely conventional, and the aesthetic was over the top, and dare i say "tacky." But this highlights my biggest problem with criticising HSM3: All these things are inherient in it's genre: the Musical. You expect to see these features in musicals, just look at Grease, Hairspray etc. HSM3 doesn't do anything "wrong," all it does is conform to it's genre. I don't think it is particularly fair for me to lay into HSM3 (And believe me i could! haha) becuase of this. It is what it is and it seems to have have worked pretty well for Disney so far. Extremely simple throwaway fun. It's for kids and early teens. Not for me. I'm far too Cynical and hopeless (Although saying that i did enjoy Hairspray so maybe i'm not so jaded after all! haha) to truely enjoy it. Ultimately, i didn't like it; But HSM is as all about individual preferences, and if you love musicals, it's pretty much perfect for you. It's like chocolate: it's sweet, addictive and for some, delicious. Only in the case of HSM, i'm ready to throw up! :)

It was still much better than Taken. hahaha. Seriously.

First, Mamma Mia outgrosses The Dark Knight in the UK and now HSM3 seems to have hypnotised the whole world. Things are looking very grim. And worst of all, it's Halloween next week and there is pratically NO horror films out apart from Saw 5. The end is nigh!

Haha. Oh well, time to watch some Supernatural. Yeah! hehe.

Have a good weekend!


AKA-Coco said...

Haha, shame!

I want to go see Saw 5. They're playing the Saw films on TV at the moment, tonight is number 3 and tomorrow is number four.
So I'm waiting for film four as I haven't seen it.

Want to come with me to watch it?

MattPaul61 said...

Come on. Please don't mock me. Watching the film was enough punishment to last a thousand lifetimes! You were lucky...

Yeah, i would love to go. I haven't had some horror in the cinema for a while. When are you thinking of going?
