Tuesday 14 October 2008

The dog that knew too much...

It's been a while since my last post, so i think it's time to get back in the swing of things. I would love to describe the excitement of my life but that would be an incredible lie! haha. Anyway.

Tonight was the best film screening at uni so far for me. Rear Window. On 35mm. Anyone who hasn't seen it is seriously missing out. However, despite my love for the film, i have to admit it contains one of the most unintentionally silly lines in history. After one of the neighbour's dog has been killed by the villian of the film, Grace Kelly asks why would he kill a dog? Then she says it:

"...because it knew too much."


How can a dog know too much? And if it does know the villian did indeed kill his wife, how is the dog going to somehow reveal this ala Sherlock Holmes. It's not like he's Lassie (as far as i'm aware!) Such a hilarious line.

Well i think that pretty much sums up my life at the moment. I'm blogging because of a line about a murdered fictional dog. I think i have hit rock bottom! haha.

Burn after Reading is out this friday. I'm excited! :)

Oh, i saw Taken on friday with my friends. However, i won't waste time reviewing it properly. Basically it's film that warns if you leave America in order to go to the strange "foreign" world of Europe, you will be kidnapped, forcibly addicted to heroin, and sold into Prostitution. Unless you have Liam Neeson as a Father (who warned you not to go in the first place) who comes to the rescue and makes everything okay by killing a LOT of people (and bizzarly shooting an innocent woman in the leg) without recieving any punishment himself for those crimes, and giving you a wonderful American happy ending...despite the fact you have been kidnapped, addicted to heroin and sold into prostitution. It's a funny old world... :P


1 comment:

JSR John said...

Haha, brilliant stuff Matt. You're making me think about America's perception on Europe now. Perhaps they structured Taken's narrative for the notion you pointed out: Don't send your kids to foreign land. Keep them home, in the lands of dreams.
Eh? Haha
But still, to have the likes of Liam Neeson in full 'woop all yo candys asses' mode was lovelyy. It was just the camera's image quality pixelation, and the odd blur) that was getting to me. Hmm, easy watching.

Now I am fairly aware of your liking towards The Shawshank Redemption, so does that mean you're a fair fan of Morgan Freeman? I'm in the swing of making a blog for my SSR on the moralistic God, just wondering if there is any material on the man that you have dug up before? I've been in search for stuff about him, pool discussions and other blogs, and my gosh it's been tricky. Any help available, perhaps?

As earlier stated today, I'm in waiting for a blog on your Friday Night cinema viewing, for good or bad!