Sunday 21 September 2008

The only motivation is insane obsession


Umm...How to start? What to say? Ah, i might as well get this out of the way: I love film! Anyone who knows me knows this to be true. All kinds of film. From any time, any place, anyone and any budget. So i am going to give my two cents on new films and occassionally some older films i think deserve some praise, as if i know what the hell i am talking about! haha. That's the joke see.

Anyway. I'll start putting up some film bits and news from the madness i call my "life" soon, but for now, i am going to go watch Supernatural! Perfect way to end the day.

That's it for now. Adios!

"Roads. Where we're going we don't need roads."

1 comment:

AKA-Coco said...

Woop! Woop!
Can't wait :)

Wonder what your first film blog review will be? :)