Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Time to introduce a little anarchy!

Watched The Dark Knight for a fifth time. It's still amazing. Best film of the decade. That's all that needs to be said.

Watched the classic It's a Wonderful Life last night. It was wonderful seeing one of the best christmas films of all time on the big screen! Although, i actually thing it is a film for all seasons, not just Christmas. It amazes me that it was a huge flop on it's original release; even with the talent of Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart. But just look at Fight Club and The Big Lebowski. On release, big failures, but in under a decade, they became cult favourites and then popular culture phenomenons! Film is funny sometimes...

Although, film can also be a complete pain. Especially for film students. Today, i had to go down to London and hunt through the Maughan and Senate Libraries for books for my two big coursework essays. I had to find books on Blade Runner and the Science fiction/Cyberpunk genre (Which i find very cool personally, hehe) and also books on "The Idiots" and Alternative European cinema (not so cool!) Although i did find a book all baout Anime and TWO about the Vampire genre! However, i had too many books already so i will have to get them next time :(

So i end up on the tube with 9 very large, heavy academic text books (plus stuff that was already in my bag. I really should have emptied it beforehand) and running home with my spine in peril! haha. But, my world became right again, once i opened the door, and at my feet, THE DARK KNIGHT!

Today, The Dark Knight! Tomorrow, Research... or maybe The Dark Knight again. Most probably actually! haha. Oh dear...